Accounting, Taxation, Audit, Self Managed Super Funds, Goodwin Chivas & Co, Baulkham Hills, NSW, Australia

August 2016 Edition-Welcome


Goodwin Chivas & Co. Newsletter - August 2016 Edition

Welcome to our August newsletter. Goodwin Chivas & Co. has obtained a license to continue to provide SMSF advice after a change in Corporations Legislation requirements. For full details check out our story, Accountants now licensed to give SMSF advice.

In important information for small businesses, the 
ATO small business benchmarks for more than 100 industries have now been updated.

The ATO is also paying attention to rental properties, with specific concerns around co-owners, purchasing and holiday homes not genuinely available for rent. Read the details in 
ATO focus on rental properties.

Our final story covers the investment journey of Bob, the world's worst market timer, in an attempt to determine whether perfectly timed purchases or a solid investment strategy are more likely to win in the long term - 
Investment timing versus strategy contemplates these approaches.

You can read the articles by selecting them from the menu at your left or click on the links in the text above.

Our aim is to make better use of your time and keep you updated on matters affecting your business and family life. If you have any questions from any of the articles please 
contact your Manager or Partner at Goodwin Chivas & Co.

The Goodwin Chivas & Co. team

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