Accounting, Taxation, Audit, Self Managed Super Funds, Goodwin Chivas & Co, Baulkham Hills, NSW, Australia

November 2012 Newsletter-Welcome


Goodwin Chivas & Co. Newsletter, November 2012

Welcome to our November newsletter. The year is certainly passing quickly! 

This month we look at the two different options available when purchasing a business

The ATO has now provided some certainty for people who are concerned about the tax implications for SMSFs if a member dies with assets carrying unrealised capital gains

This month's feature looks at the importance of considering life insurance for your adult children as part of your retirement planning strategy. 

We also provide clarification on the impact of the superannuation contribution cap for individuals aged 75 and over. 

You can read the articles by selecting them from the menu at your left or click on the links in the text above.

Our aim is to make better use of your time and keep you updated on matters affecting your business and family life. If you have any questions from any of the articles please contact your Manager or Partner at Goodwin Chivas & Co.

The Goodwin Chivas & Co. team

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